About Asklepian Tech

It participates in the publication, advisory and supply of software [Publishing software includes production, provision and documentation of ready-made (not customised) software, software for operating systems, business and other applications software, software for all platform computer games. 

Advisory services include delivering the best customised software solution after users’ needs and problems have been analysed.

Custom software includes customised software on the basis of specific users’ orders. They include the composition of any kind of software following the user instructions; maintenance of software, design of the web pages]

Why We Are

Our Vision

Being a catering technology company for the healthcare industry. We work closely with medical practises.

Clinics and hospitals to understand the healthcare problems.

In order to improve all areas of the health care service, we want to develop seamless, effective technological solutions.

Our Vision
Our Team

Our Team

The team comprises industry veterans, with a deeper understanding of the healthcare market and technical expertise.

The technicians of the team have extensive experience in both company development and SAAS.

The product development team is very enthusiastic and

passionate about the Asklepian tech platform and is working hard to implement the next generation platform